Senior Updates

May is rolling along and seniors are getting ready for their multitude of end of year opportunities and events.

Prom- May 19:


  • Petite Chicken Parmesan
  • Petite Citrus β€œMartini” Shrimp 
  • Eggplant Parmesan 
  • Classic Bruschetta 
  • Mini Angus Sliders
  • Mini Strawberry shortcake 
  • Dos Churros 

Senior Award Ceremony- May 23 7:00 pm in the Auditorium 

  • Students will be receiving an invitation to the ceremony if being given an award
  • Family members are welcome to go

Chromebook Return- May 22-May 26

  • Chromebooks and chargers that you still have should be returned
  • Obligations will be implemented if not returned 

Last Day for Seniors- May 26

  • Any senior that has not met the graduation requirements will have to keep coming to school till the end of the school year
  • It will be a half day. Seniors have to arrive on time and meet in the auditorium 
  • Seniors will start heading to the cafeteria after to pick up graduation attire and tickets 
  • You will not be able to pick anything up if you have obligations, missing SSL hours, and/or missing credits

Graduation Rehearsal- June 12 

  • Morning rehearsal from 8am to 10am in the auditorium 
  • If you’re not going to be able to attend, let Ms. O’Neill know

Graduation Ceremony- June 14 10:00 pm (1000 Hilltop Cir, Baltimore, MD 21250) 

  • Each student will get 10 tickets and all guests will need a ticket to get in
  • There is free parking 
  • The ceremony will be less than 90 minutes long