Latest on Reopening, Senior Recognition Plans

MCPS and Blake recently released updates to their plans for reopening schools and hosting senior recognition events respectively. Here’s the run down:


The Board of Education announced Jan. 12 that they will begin phasing students into in-person learning March 15, given that the metrics are where they need to be (a positivity rate of less than 5% and an average of 209 new cases/day for 14 days per 100,000 Montgomery County residents) by the Board’s Feb. 23 meeting.

MCPS says they will begin vaccinating staff members and teachers against COVID-19, but the start date for that initiative is unclear.

While the structure of secondary students’ school days and weeks for the second semester will not change as previously hypothesized, secondary students now have more options at their disposal to alter their schedule and ensure they successfully complete this school year.

All secondary students may opt to shorten their schedule (meaning not take four classes/day) by taking classes during the summer, taking classes in future school years or simply not taking the class if said class is not a graduation requirement. Additionally, the pass/fail option from second semester last academic year will return.

Plans for Senior Recognition

Principal Bob Sinclair shared today the tentative plan for seniors’ graduation. Graduation will be, COVID-19 metrics permitting, Friday, June 11 at 10:00 AM at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County campus.

Senior Class Council President Devin Parris revealed Class Council and administration are still planning for an indoor prom. There is currently no backup plan if COVID-19 metrics prohibit an indoor prom. However, Parris was able to disclose that the theme will be “Masquerade,” which allows for face coverings to be seamlessly integrated into prom attire.

Class Council, administration, and the PTSA are also working to provide seniors with special recognition events, which may include a drive-in movie theatre and signs posted in yards.

Continue to check the Blake Beat for updated information and longer features on the issues impacting our school community.