Graduation Location Showdown: UMBC vs Blake

The upcoming 2023 graduation is the third graduation to happen in person after the pandemic. But this year, we have an option to move away from our football stadium and move it to the auditorium at UMBC. 

Blake has held their graduations at Constitution Hall in D.C. and recently due to the pandemic, we’ve held graduation here at our football stadium.  Looking for student voices, Principal Bob Sinclair sent out a survey to seniors and their families early this year about where the location of graduation should be held.

The decision hasn’t been made yet, but this choice could influence future Blake graduations. Now, what are some pros and cons about both locations?

Well let’s start with Blake’s pros: 

  • It is a closer location for everyone. It’s enjoyable to be in our own environment. 


  • Conditions on that day. If it’s too hot the bleachers could feel scorchingly uncomfortable. Also, the heat and graduation gown combo is not ideal. We would be sweating and smelling like dogs. Gross. In Maryland the weather in the middle of June has been boiling hot. β€œ[I don’t want graduation to be at] Blake, it would be really hot in the sun, sitting in the scorching hot heat. I won’t have to worry about clothing there. It’s not spacious enough either.”- Yasmin Aouchria 
  • Our speakers at the field aren’t great so there could be audio issues. During pep rallies and sport games the music they play on the speakers sound delayed and there is always an ugly echo.    
  • For us graduates, we would have restrictions on what not to wear. For example, we can’t wear heels on the field or we’ll sink into the grass. 
  • There is limited parking here and last year a police officer got run over due to the little space we have. Less space would equal less tickets for graduates and families. 

Moving on to the UMBC location. 


  • We would have way more space which means more tickets. Sinclair estimates 10-11 tickets per person. β€œI prefer to have graduation at UMBC because we can invite up to 11 family members. I think everybody would love to have their family members with them on this special day.”- Mame Diop
  • We also wouldn’t have to worry about the weather because we would have air conditioning. β€œI prefer UMBC because we are in a air conditioned area and I won’t have to worry about my makeup peeling off.”- Yaneysi Millers 
  • Finally, having our graduation at UMBC would look more formal and professional. We deserve it after all with having our freshman year and sophomore year taken away from us and coming back in person our junior year. 


  •  The distance. It is pretty far from us and more people would be late. It would, overall, be less convenient for most graduates.
  • Having it at UMBC would not make us feel at home. Blake holds that nostalgia factor for graduates, to many it would feel more full circle.

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