The History of Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s day is known as a holiday that represents the tradition of card writing and giving. A Roman Ritual of Lupercalia described the event. The holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February each year. 

In France and England, Valentine’s day was known as bird’s mating season, which later led to the idea that it should be celebrated as a day of love. Many poems were written in regard to Valentine’s day, and one written by Geoffrey Chaucer was the first poem β€œParliament of Foules,” writing regarding it as a romantic celebration. 

Valentine’s day was celebrated as an official holiday until the 14th century. It wasn’t until that time that the holiday’s name was changed to Valentine’s day, taking from the name St. Valentine (a Roman Saint.) This switch was made when Pope Gelasius decided to get rid of the celebration of Luperia, opting for the reference to St. Valentine.

Many modern Valentine’s traditions, such as writing cards, did not appear until the late 1500s and 1700s. Valentines usually represent Cupid, which was the Roman God of Love. Many traditional gifts that were given during the holiday (which are still given) were flowers, candy, and chocolates which symbolized beauty and love.

Whether you celebrate traditionally, with cards, flowers, and sweet treats, or put your own modern spin on the celebration, just make sure it is full of love!