COVID-19 Photo Gallery
Kat Comer: A coach gives instructions to his team while practicing social distancing in Cloverly Park, Cloverly. Molly Lang: A net-less basketball hoop at Notley Park in the Stonegate Neighborhood to discourage groups playing pickup games Olivia Gyapong: Traditional fall festivities like apple picking can still be enjoyed, but masks are mandated.
Minaal Siddique: Kids at a local daycare wearing masks and continuing to play with no trouble. Zach Musyimi: This picture was taken at my cousinβs graduation. Instead of having a celebration, we took a picture and left.
Chibogwu Onyeabo: My brother during school watching class on his phone and doing work on his computer. Mandy Sanidad: Masks are in the process of being sewn together. Emma Maroules: I took this picture when I had to pick up the boy I babysit from daycare. He had to wear his mask all day.
Reese Schenkel: A redone room over quarantine Lauren Ambe: I was walking through my cousin’s neighborhood and saw the empty swing sets that would usually always be filled with kids.
Fadia Abker: Libraries have been closed indefinitely since mid-March. In order to continue serving the public, βholds-to-goβ programs have been adopted and pick-up times are scheduled online. Gabe Kelly: Trails near my family’s house in Frederick, MD have been empty ever since the pandemic began. Indira Kar: COVID-19 has given people the opportunity to improve upon their hobbies. Alyssa Gonzalez Paz: Travelling during COVID was very different and strange. It has become a bit controversial. We had to wear masks the entire time on the plane and not many people were at the airport, but there were still more travellers than I expected. On the plus side, however, the line for airport security was super short and there was way less of a chance I would be elbowed by a stranger who doesnβt understand the concept of personal space.