Coach Marshall MCPS COTY

Blake Football had a great run this fall, ending undefeated with a record of 9-0 in the regular season and 2-1 in the playoffs. The leader of the Bengals, Coach Marshall, is a primary reason for the team’s success. Coach Marshall was officially named the 2023 MCPS football coach of the year in December.

β€œI’m excited for the honor. The year before, I was the co-coach of the year, and this year I was the [official] coach of the year,” Coach Marshall says when he sat down to discuss this new title and what it means to him. β€œWith an honor and testament to our football program staff, players, and everyone who played a big part [including parents] in what we did this year,” he beams, thanking the football program. When asked about what helped him achieve this position he says β€œthe kids, I didn’t make a tackle, throw a pass, [or] anything the kids did.” Coach Marshall remarks, β€œOur coaching staff is a collected group, I just had the title of the head coach. We do everything as a team, [the staff] and then [of course] our parents who did everything for all.” Thank you to Coach Marshall for leading the Bengals to the best football season in school history. 

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