Models & Humans

We see models everywhere. They appear in TV commercials, YouTube ads, magazines, TV shows, movies, and anything related to some type of public appearance. What is it about models that differentiate them from the average mortal?

As I browsed on social media, I couldn’t help but wonder if we glorify models to deal with our insecurities. While browsing online, it was almost impossible for me to avoid these so-called β€œsuper” models. It was as if they had a subscription to the internet to promote their beauty. Everywhere I went, a model appeared in the newest magazines, social media ads for mental health, and even in a new car commercial. I couldn’t help but ask myself: Why are models used by companies for everything from modeling clothes, showing off car brands, and even promoting the awareness of mental health? Why is it that a model can successfully bring awareness to these things but the average human can’t? It all led back to one question: Are average humans looking to models to distract themselves from their insecurities? 

As I explored the internet and its wide range of trends, fashion, lifestyles, aesthetics, and people, something often that would appear was some type of inspiration from a model or celebrity. Within these groups, there was always a need to replicate or achieve a look that so-called models and celebrities previously did. These ranged from the β€œBella Hadid makeup tutorial” to the β€œGisele Bundchen outfit inspo.” Never once while browsing the internet did I find someone who didn’t look up to a celebrity or model trend. They all wanted to sort of replicate their lifestyle or clothing style. This led me to conclude that maybe it isn’t insecurity but more the fear of not fitting in with the public. After all, why do people follow trends online or try to replicate healthier lifestyles? It’s all because of the fear of being judged and shunned by society in which many claim to value uniqueness while copying socialites 24/7. This creates a huge divide between the average human and these β€œsupermodels,” even though the average person will never be able to emulate their favorite mogul. This is what ultimately distinguishes the mortals and the models.

Maybe models are these super foreign breeds of human beings. Perhaps humans are just the non-player characters in their series. Perchance, they serve as a guide to many individuals who feel like they need guidance on how to live their lives in a world that’s so chaotic and unpredictable.